Drawception Wiki
Welcome to the Drawception Wiki
This wiki contains information on the online game Drawception - The social picture telephone game!.

Please read up on our rules before making an article

  • General Information
    • Information, about Generals.... or about the game, its history and whatever else contributors have decided to add, all rubbed down to shiny semi-unanimous consent by the wikiwakiwoo of wiki process.
  • Player Tools
    • Tools and userscripts and userthemes... if it modifies how the game functions, or fixes a problem, or adds a feature, it ought to be linked in this section (or at least on the separate page devoted to Tools & Add-Ons
  • Characters & Memes (aka in-jokes)
    • All the fun, none of the wet-blanketness. Descriptions, histories and other awesomeness (or campy silliness) related to some of Drawception's prominent and/or durable themes, memes and dangerous beings.

Some Iconic Panels include:
